Farid Uddin
Brief info
I am a man, I also dream like everyone else. But the ability to see a luxurious dream in life is absolutely feeble. Drawing in a transparent color, my regular diagram of the canvas is constantly growing. The continuous increase in the scope of dreams Sleeping silently, the wings begin to flutter in the heart, the dream of the horizontal twisted in the heart. Occasionally some dreams fall in the face of the limitation with nationalities. But the steel firmly restructured to start a new dream. He has a new wish to give impetuous labor to the dream that he is dreaming. Only the strongest determination to make the dreams of hundreds of limitations is my only major resort. In one word the dream is to be delayed, but it does not take a minute to raise millions of obstacles in its implementation. I believe that the mindless devotion to the forward movement is beyond the ability to raise the barriers of millions of limitations in the implementation of any dream.
One of the dreams that I have dreamed of build up a clean and sterile Bangladesh. The dream that is involved in the patriotism, modesty, respect, love, despondency, responsiveness, punctuality, law, corruption, hatred, truthfulness, non-violence and work-minded attitude of 16 million people. In a word, the dream of practicing positive mentality to set up all the citizens of the country as an ideal good citizen. Managing quality and responsible civil behavior can only make this dream a reality. To fulfill this dream, all the people across the country will have to avoid all negative mentality and dirty habits. As the dreams of all the citizens of this country are so closely related to the dream, the dream of all the citizens to spontaneously participate. Knowing the real formation is hard to believe the steel has started to call the wings and dreams of build up clean Bangladesh. This dream will be successful only when all citizens will have the same dream in their heart. Dreams do not match only in the final. In order to implement this dream one by one, all the citizens are screwed in. Dream to build clean Bangladesh. From one day to more than 13 thousand people have been successfully established in the heart of the dream which is constantly growing. Youth in the 98% of the people carrying dreams. Youth is not only a dream but it is also able to succeed in the brain of other youth. This dream is not just me now, this dream is all the youths across the country. As the holder of this dream and carrier youth, the implementation of the dream of clean Bangladesh is now just waiting for time. A youth had never pursued, but instead of avoiding all obstacles, it has taken away at the speed of victory. I can affirm that, in this endless run of youth, the victory of dreams in the dream of the cleanest Bangladesh will be blown up in the fastest time.
I am not in my presence, The country is now inside me. So far, the number of youths who have succeeded in dreaming of clean Bangladesh in the heart of their youth is not in the midst of them, they now only have clean Bangladesh. The heart of all the youth in this platform has moved fast at the same goal. A thousand of the words spoken in the voice of thousands of youth in the dream: We are BD Clean, we are Bangladesh, we are idealistic in Bangladesh.
One heart’s dream is now in the hearts of thousands and it will be the union of millions of hearts. The dream of building a clean Bangladesh is now very easy to implement. Finally, I can say one thing, devoted mentality is a great help to implement all dreams.
My call to youth: Let's make a dream and make it successful in practicing your positive mentality. Let's get rid of the mentality, let's avoid the practice of dirty trash, let's clean Bangladesh.
To know more about me please click the link bellows:
1. https://fb.watch/1tqncW6ejr/
2. https://www.facebook.com/bdcleanup/photos/a.248277262208146/902723260096873/
3. https://www.kalerkantho.com/print-edition/campus/2019/09/04/810638
4. https://youtu.be/dResCrQzSaA
5. https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2019/08/06/a-clean-bangladesh-by-2021?fbclid=IwAR0PYtUyVSX5BAKR_6C4loXnGK8ynJTS14d6qwfIWUuese6kzzeRjTrZRYE
6. https://fb.watch/1ttnuXizS5/
7. https://www.thedailystar.net/star-youth/news/building-clean-nation-1673344
8. https://youtu.be/eE5JK3FbnsY
9. https://youtu.be/f0MpT2Dbeck